Monday, February 11, 2008

The Treaty of Versailles (Ends WWI)

After WWI, Germany was blamed for the whole war. The war cost them nearly 10 percent of their land. Even their overseas colonies, were taken away by allies, who blamed Germany for their losses. German's economy was ruined along with their products and produce. After the War the German people, were left with nothing but their bitter feelings.
So what was the treaty of Versailles? It was an official peace treaty which officially ended the war. It was signed exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand,which was the same reason why the war started in the first place. Germany had been the second most powerful industrial nation in the world, after the United States. After WWI, Germany was lead to a dead end and was forced to accept all the terms the allies provided. It was a powerful humiliating defeat for Germany. All they were left with, was their guilt for starting the War, something they had to accept. Even though it wasn't fair. Later on Germany was again blamed for the causes of WW2. Many other countries used the excuse of the war to gain or take away power from Germany, who was one of the biggest powers in the world, at the time. After the war, many new countries formed such as Poland, who's land lies on what used to be Germany before the war. WWI and the treaty of Versailles lead to the great Depression in Germany. Many people lost their jobs and starved. The panic and fear of the people, led to the uprising of Hitler.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Mustaf Kemal (Ataturk) and the modernization of Tukey

"The major challenge facing us is to elevate our national life to the highest level of civilization and prosperity."

Secular means,not pertaining to or connected with religion. Mustaf Kemal, modernized Turkey by first getting rid of the Ottoman dynasty. This made a huge turning point, since the Ottoman dynasty lasted more than six centuries. After winning many wars, and taking them out of power, he was able to start a real government. He created the republic of Turkey, in 1923. There he was president for 15 years. He brought many reforms to his country, in things like politics, and economical aspects. His principals, of humanism and his vision of a united country, helped Turkey become what it is today.
In his path or way,to modernizing Turkey, a secular way of life and thinking allowed Turkey to advance. He was able to create a secular government and secular education. Do to his way of thinking, Turkey unlike many other countries in the world, is fully secular. He made it possible for people to be able to live normal equal lives, not mattering or depending on what religion you're a part of. He made a state, of the people and by the people. Under his control, the country became better, and more equal. He gave everyone their rightful place, even the peasants, who were neglected for many years. He stressed their importance in society.
Another way in which Kemal modernized Turkey was by changing the way people dressed. He brought many reforms to the people. Eventually people stopped wearing their religious clothing and began to wear, suites etc.. This was another way in which he helped modernize Turkey. Not only by what they wore but also by how they looked. Kemal truly modernized Turkey, in all aspects of life.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Gandhi,helped lead his nation of India to freedom, by first uniting the people, who were of all different religions. Those being Muslim,Hindu and Sik. The people were the only way which they could fight the British. By uniting to create one strong force, which was the goal of freedom. If they weren't united then the British could easily defeat them, which was what they had been doing to the Indians all along. They used their weaknesses to take power.
The biggest thing that Gandhi was known for was fighting using civil disobediences. He never encouraged his people to fight back. He taught them that violence was not the answer to solving their problems. Fighting using civil disobedience made the British look really bad. They tortured them, killed and arrested the Indians. After a while the Indian people grew tired and started to fight back. One of the major things that symbolized the outbreak of violence was the massacre at the field which killed many people, including children and women. The people responded using violence. All over India reports of Indians killing or beating guards came through. Gandhi became very disappointed. From the beginning all he ever taught his people was to protest using peace. He responded to these outbreaks of violence by going on a hunger strike.
Soon reports of Ghandi dying, scared the people into stopping the violence. Ghandi's acts of civil disobedience, formed the center of many civil leaders in America. One being DR. Martin Luther King Jr. Ghandi became the voice of the people. Do to his leadership and courage, India is now free. Of course it would have happened eventually but thanks to Ghandi, this happened using non violence. Which later spoke more than words. At the end Ghandi died, fighting for what he knew was right. Ironically, one of his own people killed him. Not the British but a Hindu extremist. Because of Ghandi India is what it is today.