Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs. Creation

This theory states that every organism that exists today is a descendant or related to a past animal or organism that has evolved into what it is today. Organisms or animals of the past adapt to the environment. When these animals reproduce, the new organism is born with a certain mutation. These mutations pass on to other generations and after a while result in a whole new type of species. For example animals like giraffes are believed to have been a species of horses which over time evolved and grew longer necks because of their environment, which often didn't have grass. These horses would stretch their necks to reach leaves from trees above, which caused their necks to grow. This theory of evolution is favored by most scientists. Because unlike Creationism, which doesn't consist of much evidence to back up the theory, the theory of Evolution has advanced thanks to molecular biology and other advances in technology. Also old fossils which add proof that the human species along with other organisms evolved over a period of time.

Creationism is the belief that all organisms of today were created by "God" (often the god referred to by religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam), in there original form and didn't go through any type of evolution process. Creationism sometimes has a wide range of interpretations or beliefs, that are generally the same. Creationism originated between the 18th and 19th centuries. The primary source is considered to be an ancient Hebrew text describing Creationism, according to Genesis. Creationism was unquestioned during the middle age. People were very religious and never questioned this or doubted this theory.
Up until the 1960's the theory of evolution was unspoken of and not heard of by many. The theory of evolution was cleared from text books around the United States and Creationism was excepted as a worldwide theory. Over time creationism has expanded, into several different versions, such as...
Flat Earth creationism: which states that God created the world with a flat surface 6,000 years ago. (Very few people today believe in this theory.)
Modern geocentrism: Says that God recently created a spherical world and placed it in the center of the universe. The sun planets and other things all revolve around it.
Young-Earth Creationism: This belief is normally held by Christians and Jews worldwide. And beliefs in the literal truth of Genesis. This type of theory also states by religions that the earth was created in 6 days about 6,000 years ago.

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