Thursday, March 20, 2008

Night and Fog.

My reaction to Night and fog is that's, you can seem remnants and artifacts left behind by the victims. You can see the crematoria or the "hospital". You can see flashbacks and see the cabins or the latrines. Everything is left only you can't see the sounds, cries and hopelessness of the people. The camp is alone and quiet. This film is a very impactful because while the man is visiting the camp they show flashbacks and videos of the time were the Jews still lived in the camp. I thought, that the film was successful in getting it's point across. Schindler's List,in my opinion was just as good as the documentary, or maybe even better. I liked the movie slightly more because the movie, I felt gave me a better understanding of the Holocaust and all the suffering the Jews went through. The Hollywood movie, showed them starting in the ghetto, and how people hid and how many were shot and killed. I thought the movie was more effective because, It showed us how everything progressed from the beginning. This is why I liked the movie better. They showed us the journey of the people from beginning to end. Overall I feel that the hollywood version was more effective because I was able to understand the overall concept better.

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